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Viral videos claim Apple’s new flagship phone cracks easily. That’s not what CR labs found.
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110 lbs is fine for a phone, I think Zack from JerryRigEverything may have gotten a lemon? Or else he’s freakishly strong
Highly doubt that, I bet sitting on it will break it.
It is different. 110 lbs is spread across.
Zack’s 2 thumb = concentrated pressure.
Of course, the phone was scratch tested before the bend test, so it might already be weakened
Nothing makes youtubers stronger than YouTube views
@DarkPa1adinscratching doesn’t weaken a phone
If multiple people are having issues and finding the same results breaking the back glass, its an issue of inconsistent quality and not a few bad phones going out. This really only proves that the pool of phones going out is of varying quality, which isn’t good
Or ppl abusing their phone worse than these tests
There’s multiple bend tests where the phone doesn’t break, and this is the tradeoff Apple made for a more repairable phone, which yall wanted.
@soccerguy2433Or it’s bad quality. When the 14 max breaks it doesn’t fall apart like the 15 max. Even the camera module broke off on the 15 – it’s incredibly cheap construction.
Not cheap. That was just the back glass camera housing. Apple moved the metal frame from the back glass to one whole solid phone frame. That’s why it’s not $500 to replace anymore. Instead of having to move over electronics and other stuff they are all on the now one piece phone frame and they just swop over glass if yours cracks
As with anything that’ll drive up the hype, it’s not an issue with all the phones, just some. Like when apple had bendgate or Samsung exploding note 7s, it’s in reality only for a few units-otherwise I expect most of the phones that people will have will be completely fine and work with no issues.
but how can it even be the case with some ?
it’s a very expensive phone.
they should be able to make sure none of them break easily.
@Beauty Neytiri because nothing is perfect lol as with any mass produced product, there’s bound to be some with issues. It’s in every industry from cars to boats to computers, etc do you live in a perfect world or something?
@CroutonsRawk well…. they should do better
Are you meatriding Apple? Do you get paid or something? Other brands are doing fine, while being much cheaper than Apple.
Not enough pressure. Try dropping it from a height on bare ground. Thanks.
I think part of the reason why Zack’s phone from JerryRigEverything cracked, was because it was heated with a lighter beforehand. Not sure tho, I’m not an expert.
He does the same test for every phone, would happen to more than one if that was the case
Nah multiple other YouTubers have shown it. 15 models shatter more.
I thought the test was pretty rough watching the phone drop from the top to bottom of the drop-suitcase. I was alarmed to hear there was a concrete pad at the bottom! And then fell out of my chair to read it was done 100 TIMES….. NOW THAT IS A TEST. Yeah, new Iphone passed.
CR uses a sliding fall mechanism, different from all the other free fall tests.
It probably would not pass a actual drop test this is a slide test
Considering that the four “walls” of the phone are titanium and the back is not titanium, coupled with the glass and backbone of the phone not being flush (which I believe is the aluminum?) is why the sliding test may not have been as a good of a test as thought.
@Sony Walkmanactually no. Look at the bump on their rig. It causes it to fall straight or to get thrown depending on the potential energy the phone has at the moment. If it was just a straight 6 side box you would be right but the bump causes randomness
@Chrismoore actually no. Look at the bump on their rig. It causes it to fall straight or to get thrown depending on the potential energy the phone has at the moment. If it was just a straight 6 side box you would be right but the bump causes randomness
JerryRigEverything broke it by focusing most of the pressure on a very small surface, since he used his thumbs. It is less durable than other phones, but I doubt it will be an issue.
there are videos of other youtubers doing the same thing, zack just got a lemon. (jerryrig)
@ProfessionalProcastinator wth is a lemon
@Gens Done Quick 2023a defective unit
@RuviaPawzor so you hope :)) all of them are defective units.
Of course all phones break easily.
Always buy a screen protector and a phone case.
exactly this – common sense – if you have a $2500AUD phone at least spend a few bucks protecting your asset
screen protectors are awful though
Now please test for the thermals. I’ve been thinking about buying an iPhone 15 pro. But im waiting to see if the thermals are as big of an issue as some have made it out to be.
the thermals are fine in most machines. even if it does happen to you device, apple have confirmed they are aware of the issue and said that and software update will fix it.
I have really no issue with my 15 Pro Max, my old 11 Pro Max was constantly getting warm.
Thermals can be fixed through software updates also the heating issue too. I have MacBook Air M1, I was facing bugs but it got fixed after the update.
That’s amazing. I thought for sure that phone would break.
Considering that the four “walls” of the phone are titanium and the back is not titanium, coupled with the glass and backbone of the phone not being flush (which I believe is the aluminum?) is why the sliding test may not have been as a good of a test as thought.
Not surprised that the phone is fragile. Its a thin and light phone aka everything in it is thin. Thin glass/metal will bend and break easily. One of the cons of having a light phone that is also pretty long in length. Im still afraid to accidentally sit on my ipad cuz im sure itll bend to the shape of my butt.
Finally!!! One guy breaks a phone and everyone talks about it but no one else wanted to see it it was a fluke
It’s those Samsung fanboys looking for reasons to clown apple
Dropping it from 10 inches isnt realistic. Most drops happen at around 3 feet. Also the angle that the drop test rig you guys have seems to drop the phone in a consistent way. Most drops have the phoen land on a corner and shatter the screen.
The corners are made out of titanium that won’t budge
Look at the little bump. The thing has to over come it’s own potential energy to drop. It’s not a straight box so there will be more potential energy. I can assure you it drops in random patterns because of this.
Where are you getting 10 inches from? That thing looks like it’s 4-6 feet tall.
@Ryan Wfor real, IDK how did he come to 10 inches
Lab test results not showing in real world from many youtube reviewer videos , maybe quality control issue, hope the 15pro have on order is good
Funny how they spread the area of pressure (not at the center of the phone) and expected the result to be like pushing it in the middle. Quite a good show sponsored by

They put the same positions as the other videos using their fingers. Stop crying for something you don’t like
@Gary Taboada if it was as you say, they would not have put the video with the test from 2014 in agreement with the current model.
This is how you do testing. Not by dropping a single iPhone randomly on the street. The drop tests you can find on YouTube bring nothing to the table. Their results are all anecdotical, there’s nothing you can learn by watching them. I’m happy to see that there are channels like this one who are at least thinking a little about a meaningful testing procedure. Now that’s something that can be useful.
Oh yeah this is how you test dropping a phone. In a contained environment without rocks, bumps or hard surfaces lmfao. Same for the “bend test” that wasn’t even bending where the glass broke or even touching it.
Yeah your phone wont drop randomly on the street coz it would only drop on a container something like that. When you are walking on the street your phone will teleport on that container. Lolz
I was so concerned after the videos I had seen on the 15 Pro Max but this definitely at least gave me some peace of mind
I will question your credibility on this. The testing should be transparent in front of everyone not in the box. People don’t know what’s in the box (foam). Definitely organized
2014 test is no comparison. Two completely different tests.
They did the bend test on the old phone side ways and the new phon diagonal lol