CR’s Cybertruck arrives! What questions do you have for our experts?

Cr'S Cybertruck Arrives! What Questions Do You Have For Our Experts? 1

What do you want to know about the Tesla Cybertruck? We purchased ours anonymously from a Tesla dealer, and are preparing to put it through our test program.

Learn more about CR's testing program here:

17 Comments on "CR’s Cybertruck arrives! What questions do you have for our experts?"

  1. HDR10+ content, yes!!!

  2. @tomjanowski8584 | September 9, 2024 at 6:12 AM |

    Can’t wait to hear your take

  3. Oh cool! I was wondering if CR was going to test this. Really curious about what you guys think about panel fits and build quality. Not worth what they are asking for these in my opinion. But it does have some amazing technology, such as ethernet and 48v, which I hope will eventually trickle down into other new Tesla models.

  4. @ColoringKaria | September 9, 2024 at 7:39 AM |

    I wanna see EVERYTHING! Can you put a hotdog on there and close the door to see if it can really cut off a finger! πŸ˜…

    I wanna see quality build tests.

    I wanna see everything

  5. Mirrors? Are they any good? And build quality. Talk about that.

  6. @Imjustacarguy | September 9, 2024 at 7:47 AM |

    Oh look, it’s another fridge you can test.

  7. @thebigdoghimself | September 9, 2024 at 8:23 AM |

    Day late, dollar short. Everyone has already overdone cybertruck videos. No one cares anymore.

    • @consumerreports | September 9, 2024 at 10:58 AM |

      It’s true we did have to wait a long time to get ours, but that’s because we buy each vehicle we test anonymously at a dealer, just like anybody else, and the Cybertruck had a long waiting list! That said, we are going to approach this car like we do any other, so we think there will be a lot to talk about and discover that hasn’t been covered in the media so far. Stay tuned!

  8. @shanemcguire3953 | September 9, 2024 at 8:45 AM |

    Is it rusty yet?

  9. @eriknephrongfr8847 | September 9, 2024 at 9:33 AM |


    • @consumerreports | September 9, 2024 at 10:56 AM |

      Great question! Even somewhat niche cars are advantageous to test so that we are exposed and familiar with the entire market. The Cybertruck in particular has some unique technologies that could find their way in to other cars (steer by wire, for example).

    • @eriknephrongfr8847 | September 9, 2024 at 1:21 PM |

      @@consumerreports Fair enough.

  10. @1FiftyOverland | September 9, 2024 at 9:59 AM |


  11. 😳😯πŸ”₯ Nice! Something new and different

  12. It would be interesting to see the real world range compared to what is on paper. Fit and finish is a must.

  13. I want to know all the flaws and cut corners. From what I’ve seen this thing is a giant boondoggle. A toy for yuppies that lack practical sense.

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