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Why not do a video on what to watch out for on high mileage cars? See a lot of high mile cars with shot suspension parts. Also neglected timing belt changes when checking carfax for services.
At current prices……..all of them should !
It’s mostly how you drive and doing oil changes.
Stomp on gas and slam on brakes won’t get to 200k
Keeping up with maintenance and average person can make the vehicle last over 200,000 miles
Toyota and Honda are sleep walking into the future. They are looking to the past and projecting it forward.
EV adoption is accelerating every year. Exponential not linear. The only limiting factor is batteries.
The number of electric vehicles and types of vehicles and trucks is growing.
Electric vehicles are just better. No noise, no emissions, less fuel costs, less maintenance costs and amazing technology. Gasoline and diesel are OLD polluting technology. PHEVs still have a gasoline engine polluting the environment. Toyota and Honda will be late to the party. It will cost them market share, market value and future customers. There is a Climate Crisis. Young people will not buy petrol and diesel vehicles that add to the Climate Crisis.
This information is regarding how many miles you can get over 200,000 miles for each vehicle we know that electric vehicles are good but they’re not affordable for everybody hopefully soon
ICE cars are still here to stay for a while. They will likely be majority of the car market for the next decade at least. The EV infrastructure is still very primitive, MKBHD did a video showing how bad it is for non-Tesla drivers. EV price premium still hasn’t amortized down to what young drivers can sensibly afford. If a 22 year old fresh college grad wants a decent EV they will need to shell out at least $40k USD for a base model 3. Personally I think it’s more sensible to buy a Corolla hybrid today for the convenience and cost savings and then look into a EV in 2030
Batteries are a key point. With the same amount of batteries, you can have greater impact on climate change by moving everyone to hybrids than the fewer EVs you could manufacture going electric only.
Interestingly, Toyota seems to be leading in the development of solid state batteries. SSB will (maybe?) be the future technology that can bring down prices and increase charging speeds, which will lead to greater EV adoption.
Yes, very cool! However… the repairs, maintenance and downtime required to get an F150 to 200,000 miles is laughable. It’s cheaper to buy and replace every few years than maintain one.
Usually if you keep up with the maintenance less Problems later.
350+ is not uncommon over here. Most 2.0l diesels do this.
Of these 5 cars does it include small displacement engines that have turbos and are direct injected?
Current vehicles I own and mileage.
2017 prius 183,000
2015 lexus ct 200h 97,000
2016 cobalt ss 125,000
1999 toyota solara 220,000
183,000 miles on a Prius in 6 years wow. How is it holding up? Any expensive repairs?
1.9 TDI !
We would certainly like to compare the maintenance and repair bills accumulated over those 200,000 miles by the different models.
In my case with an 05’ Pilot. I bought for 25k. And have put in 25k in maintenance and parts etc. Single most costly? Full steering rack for about 3k
Roads are killing the frontwheel drives… suspension, struts, springs tierods and control arms not cheap fixes no wonder the don’t reach 200,000
Daily maintenance hello is going to make a vehicle last longer whether it’s a tire blowing or suspension stay off the bad roads and potholes
Devil in the Detail: How much does it cost in repairs to get an F-150 to 200,000 miles versus a Honda Accord?
I think if you’re doing a cross-vehicle analysis, you would need to assess the cost of a new vehicle compared to the repairs. Consumer Reports has done such studies in the past and found it is cheaper to repair than to buy new. I have not seen cost of ownership studies reviewing 100,000-200,000 mile range. You are right that this would be very interesting, indeed.
I like that list
Keith is hilarious. we need a reprise of his car salesman character complete with the tacky blazer.

Thanks for letting us know of the vehicles that get 200,000 Miles. When a consumer buys a $20,000 plus vehicle they like to see their investment grow.
2005 Honda Pilot coming up on 300k !!
Vertical video sucks.
Especially when they are formatted to fill the side gaps. Can’t even make full screen on YouTube mobile app.
Finally someone who is not 200 years old working at CR.
In some ways the Prius is simpler than a conventional car. There’s no starter or alternator, and the “CVT” has no belts, pulleys, or hydraulics (just a single permanently-engaged gear set and two motors)
Not even a light bulb has gone bad on my 2016 Mazda 3 GT.