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2020 Nissan Sentra; CES Concept Cars; Are Re-Tread Tires a Good Option? | Talking Cars #237

2020 Nissan Sentra

This week, we rented the 2020 Nissan Sentra, and give our first impressions on how this compact sedan drives, handles and has evolved since it was introduced way back in 2013. We also discuss some of the concept cars that were unveiled at CES (including a car from Sony??) We also talk about whether re-tread tires are a good choice when shopping for a new set of wheels for your vehicle, as well as the viability of street parking (and only occasionally charging) a Tesla Model 3 in Boston, what we do with our cars after we’ve completed testing, and how Consumer Reports’ avoidance maneuver evaluation compares to Europe’s famous “moose test.”

2020 Nissan Sentra; CES Concept Cars; Are Re-Tread Tires a Good Option? | Talking Cars #237

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